Cualquier persona razonable, con dos dedos de frente (o dedo y medio, que estamos en crisis) sería capaz de distinguir entre una y otra sin el menor atisbo de duda. Lo mismo es aplicable para @edans, la cuenta de Twitter de Enrique Dans y @edance, una parodia del primero, del que copia de forma muy parecida la fonética del nombre (en inglés) y el avatar, con una característica nariz roja como añadido. Nuevamente, cualquier persona razonable sería capaz de darse cuenta de que @edance es una parodia de @edans.
Más correcto sería decir que era una parodia de @edans. Ayer, los administradores de Twitter decidieron que [http://www.flickr.com/photos/
Llega esta decisión del equipo administrador de Twitter días después de que [http://bitacoras.com/
Expresa tu queja a twitter
Menea a @edance!
De "edance" a "not_edance" por culpa de "edans" [EL MUNDO]
“Todos podemos usar nuestra libertad de expresión, pero unos podemos más que otros”Twitter se carga e Enrique Dance
Sociedad 2.0
10 comentarios:
Enrique Dans quiero un hijo tuyo!!. No, espera...que este no es. Nicuenta me había dado oye..si es que son igualicos los animalicos.
Me gusto mucho lo del dedo y medio, jajjaa
Este post debería estar en inglish para los administradores del tuiter.
Estais haciéndolo fatal.
Twitter ha tomado una decisión normal y por pensar que es un sitio con tres personas sin nada mejor que hacer estais perdiendo el norte.
No, ningún administrador de twitter decidió nada, ni tendría que haberlo hecho.
No, ningún administrador de twitter averiguó nada, ni tendría que haberlo hecho.
No, ningún administrador de twitter investigó nada, ni tendría que haberlo hecho.
Twitter es un servicio que tiene millones de usuarios y para quien las rencillas estúpidas en un pequeño país del sur de Europa no podrían ser más irrelevantes.
Esto es muy simple: Si, supongamos, que yo quisiera que le cancelaran la cuenta a Xurde, me podría crear una cuenta llamada Surde e ir a twitter y decirles que el otro se está intentando pasar por mí.
Twitter a lo mejor sólo vería quién tiene más usuarios para saber quién puede tener razón y ya está. Lo siguiente sería que cambiarían a Xurde por not_xurde pero, Y ESTO ES IMPORTANTE ASÍ QUE PRESTAD ATENCIÓN, no me borraría la cuenta. Por qué no me la borraría? Porque me está dando derecho a réplica. A explicar la situación y aclararla.
Por qué tiene una política así twitter? Porque es más fácil cortar los problemas de raíz y, si tienen que arreglarse, entonces ya se arreglaran.
La cuenta ha sido renombrada y si se demuestra que es una parodia (las firmas ayudarían, si fuesen firmas y no un guestbook sin nombres ni usuarios) y además se ve que no se recrea ningún usuario con el nombre "robado" entonces twiter tranquilamente permitirá que vuelva edance a ser edance.
Pero si os enfocáis en la tontería de pensar que el malo es twitter (por lo que sea, aunque sospecho que es por evitar decir quien, en todo twitter, diría "señores de twitter, este señor se hace pasar por mí usando mi nombre", porque la única persona que puede quejarse de suplantación es quien tenga el mismo nombre (y, en inglés, suena como el mismo nombre)) entonces lo que haceis es desviar la atención real.
Así, pues, la responsabilidad a quien la responsabilidad tiene. Si te citan a un juzgado con una acusación de difamación a quien le tienes que reclamar NO es al juzgado, a ese sólo le tienes que demostrar que no es cierto.
Hi there, I work at Twitter and just wanted to add a bit of information. Impersonation complaints are something we deal with quite often. In this case, we did not suspend the account or penalize it in any way. You can still find the account here:
What we've done instead is remove the profile image and change the user name to prevent confusion about the identity of the account owner. All of the content is still there, followers untouched.
The account owner can has the option of changing the user name to something more appealing to him/her so long as it is not misleading others. I've responded to some folks who wrote into support to let them know what the new user name is so they can still find the account.
Please feel free to send any questions to support@twitter.com.
The account has been created especifically as a parody account. It's not a user account that also does parody. Actually one of the biggest mysteries in the spanish twitterverse is who exactly might "edance" be.
As I stated in a longish entry in the support ticket, there's never been, nor is the account really prone to confusion by users, even if they don't know the original.
The bio of the parody even says it's a parody in it. There are hundreds of these for every language in twitter and they are not prone to confusion, this case is the same.
What you might think could cause confusion is the name, but in spanish they don't even sound similar. "Dans" sounds in spanish exactly as "Dance" in english, but "Dance" in spanish sounds like "Dan-Zed" in english.
It's widely known the original has never enjoyed being parodied, and he might have *forgotten* to mention that the two names, in spanish, can't be confused at all. By leaving this point out it's easy to see how twitter support could be misled into believen there's even a risk of impersonation (especially if the custom of the red nose is not known either).
As I offered in the ticket, feel free to contact me if you believe this is worth of further discussion.
"La cuenta ha sido renombrada y si se demuestra que es una parodia (las firmas ayudarían, si fuesen firmas y no un guestbook sin nombres ni usuarios) y además se ve que no se recrea ningún usuario con el nombre "robado" entonces twiter tranquilamente permitirá que vuelva edance a ser edance."
a) Creo que ya se ha demostrado suficientemente en el ticket de queja que envié.
b) La forma de actuar de Twitter pide que sea la persona inocente la que demuestre que es inocente. La inversión de la carga de la prueba lo único que hace es generar situaciones absurdas como ésta.
Yo les he escrito esto:
I've seen this message written by someone who claims to work for Twitter in http://gurusinhumor.blogspot.com/2008/11/enrique-dance.html :
> Hi there, I work at Twitter and just wanted to add a bit of
> information. Impersonation complaints are something we deal with quite
> often. In this case, we did not suspend the account or penalize it in
> any way. You can still find the account here:
> http://twitter.com/not_edance
> What we've done instead is remove the profile image and change the
> user name to prevent confusion about the identity of the account
> owner. All of the content is still there, followers untouched.
> The account owner can has the option of changing the user name to
> something more appealing to him/her so long as it is not misleading
> others. I've responded to some folks who wrote into support to let
> them know what the new user name is so they can still find the
> account.
> Please feel free to send any questions to support@twitter.com.
> Thanks!
> Crystal
The important point is that this is *NOT* a case of impersonation. It's a parody and it's recognized as such by everyone following edance. The person being parodied is Enrique Dans (edans in Twitter). There's already a request in help.twitter.com from people who are saying that it's not a case of impersonation:
There's no such person as Enrique Dance or EDance. The Spanish pronounciation of "dance" is quite distinct to the English one; in Spanish, "dance" is pronounced more or less like "Dun the" but with a hard "th" like that in "math". This makes the potential confusion to users to be restricted to those who speak English and, even among them, it's clear that the use of an English word instead of the real Spanish surname "Dans" is in itself a joke. No reasonable person can think that edance is the real Enrique Dans.
That is even clearer by reading the lines he writes, which are always humoresque and he often writes replies to @edans.
For all these reasons, that is not an impersonation.
According to the message that Twitter sent edance as a notification, as copied by him, the text said:
"In this case, impersonation is the issue. Impersonation is against our terms of service unless it's a parody. The standard for defining parody is ``Would a reasonable person be aware that it is a joke''".
It IS a parody and thus the impersonation argument is wrong, thus you should return edance his original nick. It's linked from a contest page where BOTH edance and edans are listed, and the edance link has become broken because of the renaming. That causes people who potentially could vote him for the contest to not know what he has written, therefore that's causing prejudice to him.
The link to the contest page, where both edance and edans appear:
The same happens to the avatar, it's also a parody because it's the black-and-white photo of Enrique Dans with a red visible round nose superimposed to insinuate a clown. You should also let him have it.
La respuesta ha sido la misma cantinela de que han mantenido la cuenta porque era una parodia, sin acometer el asunto del cambio de nick.
Mi réplica:
I know that you realize that the posts are a parody and the account has not be deleted for that reason. That's not the point.
The point is that the previous nick @edance made it absolutely clear to their followers that it was a parody and was ITSELF part of the parody, including the profile photo, as so many people are claiming, and that the nick change by the Twitter personnel has caused and is causing prejudice to him. Can he edit his nick from not_edance to edance? No. The issue is the nick change, not the account settings. There's noone called "edance" or "Enrique Dance", just "edans" for "Enrique Dans" which is pronounced very differently in spanish; for this reason it would make at least a bit of sense if you changed it to "not_edans" instead of "not_edance", even if being still wrong, but it's meaningless as it is now. Given that there's no risk of wrong identification at all, the use of the *NICK* "edance" is per se not an impersonation in any way, but part of the parody, and thus it's not a violation of the TOS. The justification for changing it has no base and the nick edance should be returned to him.
Just as an example, if an English person called Ella were parodied by someone with the nick Eya, would you rename it to not_eya? Probably not, because the parodied nick's pronounciation in English is quite different from that of the original. Yet in spanish the pronounciation is so similar that it's almost indistinguishable.
Here we have the equivalent situation in spanish. Someone nicknamed edans is parodied by someone nicknamed edance. The spanish pronounciation is quite different. There's no risk at all of thinking that edance is edans. There's no spanish surname called Dance or Edance or Ance or anything similar. The impersonation argument is baseless.
... Y no hubo respuesta.
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